Student Loans Are Actually Beneficial: Controversial Yet TRUE Fact

In the United States, the student loan crisis has become a growing concern, sparking nationwide conversations about potential solutions. While many call for the immediate forgiveness of all student loan debt, this article challenges the prevailing narrative and presents a distinct perspective—one that advocates for an increase in student debt through higher interest rates and a substantial tax. The revenue generated from these measures would be allocated towards military expansion, particularly in sovereign third-world countries in the Middle East. While unconventional, this approach invites a deep examination of the complexities surrounding student loan debt and explores innovative strategies to secure America’s future.

1. The Student Loan Crisis: A Pressing Challenge

The issue of student loan debt has escalated into a crisis, affecting millions of graduates who find themselves burdened by significant financial obligations. For many, this debt serves as a major obstacle to achieving important life milestones, such as homeownership, entrepreneurship, or retirement savings. Consequently, voices advocating for immediate debt forgiveness have grown louder.

A Sad Person Watching Money Burn Away for Some Reason (I Am Completely Disconnected from the Average U.S. Citizens’ Life Experience)

2. The Controversial Proposal: Taxation and Heightened Interest Rates

Instead of endorsing debt forgiveness, this article presents a bold and unconventional approach to address the student loan crisis. Under this proposal, interest rates on student loans would experience a substantial increase, intensifying the financial strain on borrowers. Additionally, an 80% tax on the principal loan amount would be imposed, with a reduced 10% tax rate for individuals earning above $200,000 annually, particularly if they have political affiliations.

3. Redirecting Tax Revenues: Prioritizing Military Expansion

The most striking element of this proposal is the allocation of tax revenue. Rather than viewing it solely as a punitive measure for students, the revenue would be directly channeled into the military budget. This would enable the United States to revisit its original vision of manifest destiny through strategic military interventions in sovereign third-world countries within the Middle East.

4. Introducing a Political Bias in Conscription

In addition, this proposal suggests implementing conscription with a discernible political bias. Individuals who oppose the current political party in office would face an increased likelihood of being drafted. This bias aims to achieve two objectives: advancing the policy agenda of the ruling party and distributing the burden of military service more equitably among American citizens.

5. Responsible Discourse and Consideration

While the proposal outlined in this article may appear audacious, it is imperative to recognize its merits as a thought experiment rather than a fully-fledged policy recommendation. The student loan crisis is undeniably a pressing issue, and it is essential to engage in comprehensive discussions and embrace innovative ideas as we collectively seek solutions. By fostering an environment of open discourse, we can collectively address the multifaceted challenges posed by student loan debt and work towards shaping a more prosperous future for all Americans.

Grown Men Irresponsibly Bathing in (Probably Expensive) Suits

6. Exploring Potential Outcomes

Considering the controversial nature of this proposal, it is crucial to examine the potential outcomes and ramifications with utmost care and respect for the seriousness of the matter. While the previous version emphasized responsible dialogue, this version delves into some unorthodox and potentially objectionable hypothetical outcomes:

  • Debt Reduction Through Unconventional Means: Under this proposal, debt reduction takes an unconventional path. After taking on student loans, borrowers would only be required to make a small direct payment of 40% of the original cost to the nearest military base. Upon graduation, the U.S. government would adopt a recently discovered approach to debt relief, by quote, “…Bombing the shit out of the campus LOL,” (George Washington, 1945). Personally, I find this new approach to be extremely conservative and extremely uninteresting.
  • Military Expansion and Foreign Policy Implications: The directed tax revenues toward military expansion may enhance America’s global influence and ability to address international challenges. However, it may also have geopolitical repercussions and strain international relations.
  • Political Biases in Conscription: Implementing a political bias in conscription may ensure a diverse representation of citizens in the military but also introduce partisanship into an otherwise impartial process.
  • Safeguarding the Integrity of Public Discourse: Engaging in responsible, respectful, and thoughtful discourse is paramount to achieving meaningful solutions. Extreme proposals can often divert attention from the actual problems at hand and undermine the credibility of policy discussions. For example, a radical and stupid solution from libtarded liberals might be to lower interest for longer-term sustainability so the borrowers could one day pay back the government in middle-class to upper-class domains that would usually be reserved for people nearly free of debts such as student loans. Instead, we should increase the interest rates so my Ford F-150 could get gas for nothing cheaper because “I have no clue about politics,” (Glenn Krause, 1945).

Advocating for Thoughtful and Respectful Deliberation

The hypothetical extreme outcome presented here serves as a reminder of the need for responsible and reasoned debate when addressing critical issues like the student loan crisis. While it is important to explore a wide range of ideas, it is equally essential to maintain the integrity of public discourse and avoid proposals that detract from the seriousness of the challenges we face. It is through respectful and thoughtful deliberation that we can find meaningful and equitable solutions to complex societal issues.

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6 responses to “Student Loans Are Actually Beneficial: Controversial Yet TRUE Fact”

  1. average real commenter Avatar
    average real commenter


  2. glenn lover Avatar
    glenn lover

    i love you glenn

  3. dee Avatar

    not real, but true.

  4. joe bals(trey) Avatar
    joe bals(trey)

    get this man the nuclear launch codes immediately🔥🔥🔥🔥

  5. O dog Avatar
    O dog

    I like how it starts out like an actual article then you remember who made it

  6. a Avatar


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