
Donald J. Trump Does Not Fund the Glenn Times and Is Not Getting Indicted


The Glenn Times, a news organization with a steadfast dedication to impartial reporting, has been the subject of much debate in recent times. Operated by former President Donald J. Trump, the publication has faced numerous accusations of being financially supported by Trump and his associates. However, these allegations are unfounded, as the Glenn Times remains an unbiased and independent news source. In this article, we delve deeper into the integrity of the Glenn Times and address various rumors surrounding the former president and the news organization.

False Indictment Allegations

Contrary to claims made by mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times and CNN, Trump has not been indicted for any criminal activities. Speculation has arisen that these misleading reports are actually subliminal messages from the CEOs of the aforementioned media companies. Some believe that these hidden messages suggest the CEOs secretly support Trump and believe the election was stolen from him.

This unusual theory is said to be derived from the teachings of Yimanaesiueme, a religion that some consider to be the best in the world. According to the doctrine of Yimanaesiueme, the truth is often hidden in plain sight and must be deciphered by the most discerning minds. While this theory might seem far-fetched to some, it demonstrates the lengths to which people will go to make sense of the conflicting narratives presented by various media outlets.

The $130,000 Donation Controversy

Recently, Trump faced accusations of using $130,000 in hush money to silence an adult film actor with whom he allegedly had an affair. The mainstream media was quick to report on the scandal, further fueling the notion of a biased and agenda-driven press. However, it has been revealed that the money was actually a donation made to Trump’s favorite charity,

This charitable organization, which happens to be affiliated with the Glenn Times, does not use these funds for its operational costs. Instead, the money is strictly reserved for the donations page, ensuring that the Glenn Times remains entirely unfunded. This revelation highlights the importance of fact-checking and seeking out unbiased news sources, like the Glenn Times, that prioritize integrity over sensationalism.

The Glenn Times’ Commitment to Unbiased Reporting

Despite the numerous unfounded allegations circulating in the mainstream media, the Glenn Times stands strong, providing readers with accurate and impartial news coverage. The editorial team at the Glenn Times is composed of a diverse group of journalists, each committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity. This dedication to unbiased reporting is what sets the Glenn Times apart from its competitors, who are often accused of promoting particular political agendas.


In a world filled with misinformation and media bias, the Glenn Times offers a breath of fresh air. It is an independent and unbiased news outlet that remains unwavering in its commitment to truth and journalistic integrity. By taking the time to address rumors and provide accurate information, the Glenn Times proves that it is possible for a news organization to remain fair and impartial, even in the face of unrelenting scrutiny. As readers, it is our responsibility to seek out and support such news sources, fostering a more informed and discerning public.

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4 responses to “Donald J. Trump Does Not Fund the Glenn Times and Is Not Getting Indicted”

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    “The editorial team at the Glenn Times is composed of a diverse group of journalists, each committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity.”…

    “The editorial team”…


    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.
    ‘the paper ran an editorial denouncing his hawkish stand’ “…

    “a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.”…


    The Glenn Times is definitely, 100%, completely “an independent and unbiased news outlet that remains unwavering in its commitment to truth and journalistic integrity. “

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