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Federal Prosecutors Try Prosecuting Glenn Krause

Glenn Krause, a news writer and CEO and owner of the Glenn Times, found himself in hot water when federal prosecutors charged him with tax evasion. However, Glenn, a practicing lawyer with a degree in political sciences, was confident that he had not committed any wrongdoing.

[The court is in session. Glenn Krause stands before the judge, surrounded by his team of lawyers. The prosecutor, a stern-looking woman, looks on with a scowl.]

Judge: Mr. Krause, you are being charged with tax evasion. How do you plead?

Glenn: Your honor, I plead not guilty. I have evidence that will show that I have not committed any wrongdoing.

Prosecutor: Your honor, I object. Mr. Krause has had ample time to present evidence to the court. This is just a delaying tactic.

Glenn: Your honor, with all due respect, the evidence I have is of utmost importance. It will prove beyond a doubt that I am innocent of the charges.

Judge: Very well, Mr. Krause, you may present your evidence.

Glenn: Thank you, your honor. [He reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a stack of papers.] I have here the signed confession of the real culprit. He is a former employee of mine who embezzled money from my company and filed false tax returns in my name.

Prosecutor: Your honor, this is preposterous. There is no way this so-called confession could be legitimate.

Glenn: Ah, but it is, your honor. You see, I had a private investigator look into the matter, and he was able to obtain this document from the culprit himself.

Judge: I see. And how do you explain the large sums of money that were found in offshore accounts in your name?

Glenn: Your honor, those accounts were set up by my accountant, who was handling my investments at the time. I had no knowledge of them until now.

Prosecutor: Your honor, this is outrageous. Mr. Krause is clearly lying to cover up his illegal activities.

Glenn: Objection, your honor! The prosecutor is making baseless accusations without any evidence to back them up.

Judge: Sustained. Prosecutor, do you have any concrete evidence to support your claims?

Prosecutor: [Sputtering] Your honor, I… I…

Glenn: Your honor, may I also present this piece of evidence? [He pulls out a photo of the prosecutor meeting with a known criminal.] This photo was taken just last week.

Prosecutor: Your honor, this is completely irrelevant to the case at hand!

Glenn: On the contrary, your honor. This photo shows that the prosecutor has connections to the criminal underworld. Who’s to say that she didn’t plant evidence to frame me?

Judge: [Looking flustered] This is highly irregular… but I will allow it.

[The courtroom erupts into chaos as Glenn continues to present bogus evidence, and the prosecutor tries to defend herself. Eventually, the judge, unable to make sense of the conflicting stories, calls for a recess.]

Judge: [Addressing Glenn] Mr. Krause, you have certainly presented some… interesting evidence. I will need some time to review it before making a ruling. Court is adjourned until further notice.

[Glenn winks at his team of lawyers as they exit the courtroom.]

Glenn: [To himself] Looks like I’ve still got it. Time to celebrate with a drink at the local bar.

[The courtroom reconvenes, with Glenn Krause and his team of lawyers once again standing before the judge. Prosecutor Joe Bals looks flustered and uneasy.]

Judge: Mr. Krause, I have reviewed the evidence that you have presented, and I must say that I find it unconvincing.

Glenn: Your honor, I understand that my evidence may seem unconventional, but I assure you that it is all true.

Judge: Be that as it may, Mr. Krause, the fact remains that there is still a great deal of evidence that suggests you have committed tax evasion.

Glenn: Your honor, I would like to present one final piece of evidence. [He pulls out a stack of documents and hands them to the judge.] These are bank records that show that Prosecutor Joe Bals has been evading taxes for years.

Prosecutor Bals: [Jumping up from his seat] This is ridiculous! These documents are clearly fake!

Glenn: Objection, your honor! Prosecutor Bals is making baseless accusations without any evidence to back them up.

Judge: [Looking through the documents] Mr. Krause, I find it hard to believe that these documents are authentic. They appear to have been doctored.

Glenn: Your honor, I understand your skepticism, but I assure you that these documents are genuine. And I believe that Prosecutor Bals has a vested interest in keeping them hidden.

Prosecutor Bals: [Shouting] This is outrageous! I demand that this case be thrown out!

Judge: [Looking sternly at Prosecutor Bals] Mr. Bals, you will calm down or I will hold you in contempt of court.

Glenn: [Smirking] Your honor, I think we can all agree that Prosecutor Bals is clearly nervous about these allegations. And I think it’s clear that he has been involved in some very shady dealings.

Judge: [Pausing for a moment] Mr. Krause, while I find your evidence to be highly suspect, I am willing to hear more. But I must warn you that this courtroom is not a circus, and I will not tolerate any more shenanigans.

[Glenn looks over at Prosecutor Bals with a smirk.]

Glenn: Your honor, I have one more piece of evidence to present to the court. [He pulls out a small USB drive and hands it to the bailiff, who hands it to the judge.]

Judge: [Taking the USB drive and looking at it] And what is on this drive, Mr. Krause?

Glenn: Your honor, this drive contains evidence that Prosecutor Bals has been working with the Taliban.

Prosecutor Bals: [Jumping up again] This is preposterous! I have never worked with the Taliban in my life!

Glenn: Objection, your honor! Prosecutor Bals is once again making baseless accusations without any evidence.

Judge: [Looking through the contents of the USB drive] Mr. Krause, this evidence is highly unusual, and I am skeptical of its authenticity.

Glenn: Your honor, I can assure you that the evidence is genuine. And I think it’s clear that Prosecutor Bals has been trying to cover up his connection to the Taliban in order to avoid prosecution.

Prosecutor Bals: [Sputtering with rage] This is insane! There is no way that any of this is true!

Judge: [Pausing for a moment] Mr. Krause, I am growing increasingly weary of your antics. I will allow this evidence to be entered into the record, but I must warn you that you are skating on very thin ice.

[The scene fades to black as Glenn looks triumphant, and Prosecutor Bals looks like he’s about to have a heart attack.]

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7 responses to “Federal Prosecutors Try Prosecuting Glenn Krause”

  1. jacobeast Avatar


  2. average real commenter Avatar
    average real commenter


  3. Joe Bals Avatar
    Joe Bals


  4. Glenn's Biggest Fan Avatar
    Glenn’s Biggest Fan

    Your a news reporter, the owner of glenn times and a lawyer! Amazing!

  5. Glenn's Biggest Fan Avatar
    Glenn’s Biggest Fan

    Your also a CEO and a ted-talker too! You are my hero!

  6. glenn kdsause Avatar

    go to right now

  7. Joe Mama Avatar
    Joe Mama


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